Why I Teach Yoga

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Why do I teach yoga?  Good question.  I don’t exactly have a quick answer for you, but it’s definitely an easy answer!

I started practicing yoga several years ago because it made me feel good.  I craved the way it challenged my body, cleared the junk in my head, and uplifted my spirit!  As an instructor of other forms of fitness classes, I was already very aware of how energizing and fulfilling it is to teach a room full of participants to help them find joy in exercise and help them to reach their health goals.  As a result, with my new found love of yoga, I wanted to share it with others and pass on the “amazingness” that yoga can bring to a person’s life!

camel pose I Love Yoga v2

It’s not for the money (teaching a couple classes a week doesn’t bring in mucho dinero); it’s not for the power or visibility of leading a group; it’s not for my own physical benefit (as I don’t teach from the mat – instead I observe my class and assist them in their practice.)

It is to see the sparkle in someone’s eye when they finally push up from bridge to wheel.

It’s helping the woman who just had a hip replacement regain her range of motion.

It’s encouraging an overweight gentlemen to lose the last 30 pounds he’s been trying desperately to lose.

It is providing a supportive and safe space to a teenager looking for answers to struggles in her life.

It’s seeing a business executive cry in savasana where he has the white space to reflect on what he values in his life.

All of the above benefits me as well when I see it occurring!  I find it a spiritual practice simply to instruct a yoga class full of all the wonderful people I am so blessed to be exposed to on a daily basis.

Most of all, I teach yoga for the community and friendship that practicing yoga together provides!  After all, that’s why we all keep coming back for more!!  We are like one, big, supportive and loving family of yogis!


