Weekly Workout Wednesdays – Workout #2 “Booty Blaster”

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Complete the entire cycle below 1-2 times after the warm-up as your fitness level allows.



Child’s Pose – 2-5 minutes
5 Sun Salutation A’s
Ragdoll – 1-2 minutes


Let the blastin’ begin:

Series A

1.  Take Crescent Lunge with Right leg – hold for 3 full, slow breaths
2.  Shift to Warrior III on Right leg – hold for 3 full, slow breaths
3.  Step back to Crescent – hold 3 full breaths
4.  Repeat 4 times
5.  Switch to Left leg and repeat on that side


Series B – some cardio here

1.  20 squats (make sure to come down LOW – ok to do that as long as your form is good and you don’t have knee issues)
2.  20 frog jumps (like a squat, but jump up and as you come down in the squat, touch the floor “hop like a frog”)
3.  Alternating forward lunges – 1 minute
4.  Alternating curtsy lunges – 1 minute


Series C

1.  Half Moon on Right leg – hold 30 seconds
2.  Transition to Revolved Half Moon – hold 30 seconds
3.  Open to Warrior II – hold for 4 full breaths
4.  Repeat 3 times
5.  Switch to Left leg and repeat on that side


Repeat Series B

1.  20 squats
2.  20 frog jumps (like a squat but jump up and as you come down in the squat, touch the floor “hop like a frog”)
3.  Alternating forward lunges – 1 minute
4.  Alternating backward lunges – 1 minute


Series D

1.  Bridge with leg lifts (extend leg into air and pulse up for 20 counts, then switch legs) – repeat 2 times
2.  Hug knees to chest for a few breaths as a counter pose
3.  Balance ball hamstring roll out (with heels on the ball, lift your hips up and extend your legs.  Keeping butt lifted, roll the ball closer to you until you are in a bridge on the ball.  Then roll back out.) – repeat 10-20 times
4.  Knees to chest again


If you feel like you still have more work to do, repeat Series A, C, and D again. 


Series E – stretch

1.  Seated forward fold – 10 full breaths
2.  Butterfly – 10 full breaths
3.  Half Pigeon – 2-4 minutes on each leg
4.  Double Pigeon – 2-4 minutes on each leg