Start with these:
- 100 Jump rope
- 40 Mountain Climbers (40 each leg)
20 Burpees
- 10 Side lunges (10 each leg)
- 10 Pistol squats or One-legged squat (10 each leg) – you can also do these holding a counter weight out in front of you or grab on to a railing.
Yoga time:
2 minutes each of the following (2 min on each leg/side):
- Crescent lunge
- Warrior II
1 minute each of the following (1 min on each leg/side):
- Warrior III
- Chair Twist
- 1/2 Moon
- Revolved 1/2 Moon
- Triangle
- Revolved Triangle
2 minutes each of the following:
- Goddess Pose
- Wide-Legged Forward Bend
- Ragdoll
4 minutes of the following:
- Child’s Pose
Still need more? Repeat the entire sequence!