Article below as published in NATURE’S PATHWAYS – Northeast Wisconsin – January 2016 edition

1 6 ounce spray bottle (4 ounce or 8 ounce bottles work well too, just adjust the quantities of the other ingredients accordingly.)
I recommend using a dark blue or amber colored glass bottle. Avoid plastic as the oil will eat away at the plastic. I found some inexpensive bottles of various sizes here:
1 ounce witch hazel or vodka
This helps prolong the life of the spray and also helps disperse the oil. Rubbing alcohol can also be used.
Approximately 15 drops of essential oil
You have a lot of options here. I tend to use a mixture of a few different oils, but using one oil works well too. For refreshing and deodorizing, try 7 drops rosemary, 3 drops eucalyptus, 2 drop lemon and 3 drops mint (adjust quantities to suit your olfactory preferences!). Other options/combinations are listed below.
1 cup distilled water
- Pour the witch hazel or alcohol into the bottle.
- Add the oil(s) and swish around gently to mix.
- Pour in the water.
Before each use, shake the bottle gently to disperse the oil; otherwise it tends to sit at the top of the bottle.
Other essential oil scents that work great for room spray:
- Calming — Lavender, chamomile
- Energizing — Grapefruit, peppermint, wild orange
- Deodorizing — Oregano, citrus, tea tree
- Outdoorsy — White fir, cedarwood
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