Coming to Pura Vida Yoga in January…..Alignment Yoga

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Taught in the style of B.K.S. Iyengar, alignment yoga focuses on the precise placement of the body in the asanas to maximize the benefit and therapeutic value of each posture.

This is not a flow class, but taught with specific emphasis on entering and exiting the postures.  Postures are held for a longer time period with frequent use of props such as block, straps, and chairs, to properly align the body.

This practice will build strength and flexibility along with general well-being and inner balance.   We are not only “working out,” but “working in”!

This class is perfect for:
* beginners seeking to learn the proper alignment of postures
*seasoned practitioners looking to deepen their practice
*students dealing with specific physical issues looking for an alternative form of healing

Sign up now for the 6 week session!  Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.  Class duration is 1 hour.

Jan. 12
Jan. 19
Feb. 2
Feb. 9
Feb. 16
Mar. 2

(please note there is no class on Saturday, Jan. 26 or Feb. 23)

Total payment is required for all sessions prior to participation.  Register here online or in person at the studio on 2416 W Nordale Dr, Appleton. 

Total cost: $72.

If you wish to use sessions from existing pre-paid yoga packages to “pay” for this class, please visit our studio to register!